
Universiteit Gent
Vakgroep Geschiedenis
Historische Databank Lokale Statistieken

Population census 1900

Content of the internet tables

On this website, the results of the census are mentioned in all Belgian municipalities (2617 in total). The data are based on publications in which the official results of the census were announced (1903). Cadastral data originating from the Ministry of Finance also appears in the tables.

The internet tables contain the following data for every municipality, administrative district and province:

Theme Contents
Gender Total of the population and per gender
Civil status Unmarried, married, widow and divorced (per gender)
Place of birth People born in the official place of residence, in Belgium and abroad (per gender)
Nationality Belgians and non-Belgians, with distinction by country of birth (per gender)
Age People younger than 15, 15 through 54 years, 55 years and older (per gender)
Literacy People who can read and write, people who cannot read and write (per gender)
Spoken national languages (all ages) People who are able to speak the following languages: French, Dutch (“Flemish”), German, French and Dutch, French and German, German and Dutch, all three national languages and none of the three national languages (per gender)
Spoken national languages (excl children) The same variables as in the previous table, only applies to inhabitants who are 15 years and older
Families and buildings Families; residences; inhabited and uninhabited buildings not intended as a residence
Cadastral income and surface area Surface area subject to and not subject to land tax (hectare).
Value of developed and undeveloped goods (taxable income in frank).

©:Ghent University, Department of History